
Unleash Your Peak Performance

Revo Sports Nutrition Solutions

Empower your athletic journey with personalized sports nutrition programs designed to optimize your training, maximize recovery, and fuel your competitive edge.

Our comprehensive approach focuses on:

  • Individualized Plans: We tailor nutrition strategies to your specific sport, goals, and health history.

  • Evidence-Based Guidance: Our programs are grounded in scientific principles and the latest sports nutrition research.

  • Performance Optimization: Learn how to fuel your body effectively for pre-workout, competition, and post-workout recovery.

  • Nutritional Expertise: Consult with our expert dietitian to address any dietary concerns or questions.

  • Optional lab testing: Screen for nutrient deficiencies, helping to prevent injuries and optimize performance

This offering is ideal for athletes of all levels seeking to:

  • Enhance training performance and endurance

  • Optimize recovery times and prevent injuries

  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight for their sport

  • Gain a competitive edge through strategic nutrition

What can Caila help you with?

Fueling strategies for race day

Injury prevention + management

RED-S Management

Nutrient timing for optimal performance and recovery

Ergogenic aids and supplements as needed  

Daily energy intake overview

Muscle building

Lab testing + review

Medical Nutrition Therapy for chronic conditions

Eating disorder treatment and more


Caila Yates, MS, RDN

Initial session, $185.00

A "data-gathering" session to discuss topics such as medical history, food preferences, and training schedules in order to fully tailor your nutrition interventions. You'll leave this session with a list of concrete nutrition goals as well as a roadmap for how we will get you there.

Follow up sessions, $150.00

Superbills can be provided for these sessions if you would like to submit to your insurance carrier for an out of network claim.

During this 45 minutes session, we will check in on your goals to see what's working, what's not, and what our next steps are.  Things we might cover here are reviewing your nutrition data, creating a fueling plan, and more.  You'll leave every follow up with small, attainable goals that will add up to big changes.

Shop our favorite supplements for your health and wellness needs. Click on the image below to access our supplement collection. Each option in our collection is selected by an expert clinician at Revo.